Extended policy on cookies

Valfer uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the proper functioning of valfer.net and improve the user experience. Below you can find detailed information about the use of cookies, how they are used by valfer and how to manage them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the visited sites send to the user’s browser – which is installed on computers or mobile devices – these text files are stored and so hence can be retransmitted to the site on the next visit. Basically the cookies help internet sites to recognise devices in their successive visits.

What type of cookies exist?

Technical cookies: so-called technical cookies are needed for browsing and to simplify the access to and use of sites by the user. These include analysis cookies used to collect and analyse anonymously the traffic and use of the site. These cookies, even without identifying the user, allow, for example, the detection of this same user were they to connect again at a different time. In addition they allow you to monitor and improve system performance and usability. Disabling such cookies can be done without any loss of functionality.

Profiling cookies: these cookies are used to track the user’s web surfing to create profiles according to the user’s tastes, preferences, interests and even their searches.

Is consent from the user needed to install cookies on their terminal?

To install technical cookies no consent is needed while profiling cookies may only be installed on the user’s terminal with the latter’s consent after having been notified in a simplified way.

Cookies used by valfer.net

  • Session cookies: these are temporary, existing only for the duration of the session; when you close the browser, these cookies are deleted.
  • Lasting/Persistent cookies: these stay active even after closing the browser and help sites to remember user settings and data for later consultation.
  • Third party cookies: third party companies may leave their Cookies to the user through script of embedded in videos or in other content not found on our servers.

In particular, valfer.net uses:

The list of cookies used by valfer.net may be subject to change in the event of third party companies modifying cookies according to their necessities or changing the classification of them. In this case the page will be promptly updated.

Anonymous browsing

Browsing without using technical cookies or profiling cookies is possible through a web surfing that is defined as “anonymous” or “unknown” and is doable with all major browsers.

How can I deactivate the cookies?

A user can deactivate Google Analytics while browsing by using the add-on available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari

A very simply procedure allows you to modify your browser in order to deactivate cookies.


  • Open Firefox
  • On the instrument panel at the top part of the browser, select “Menu” and then “Options” (with Macs you need to select “Firefox” from the menu bar and then ‘’preferences’’)
  • Then click on the “Privacy” tab
  • Click on “Settings history:” and then on “Use custom settings for history.” Deselect “Accept site cookies” and save the preferences.

Internet Explorer:

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Click on “Tools” and then on “Internet Options”
  • Select the “Privacy” tab and move the scroll to the level of privacy that you wish to set (move it up to block all the cookies or down to allow them all)
  • Then click Ok

Google Chrome

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Click on the “Tools” icon
  • Select “Settings” and then “Show advanced settings”
  • Select “Content settings…” under the Privacy heading
  • Under the Cookies heading you can deselect cookies and save your preferences


  • Open Safari
  • Select “Preferences” on the instruments bar, then select the “Security” panel in the dialogue window that follows
  • In the section “Accept cookies” you can specify if and when Safari should save site cookies. For further information click on the Help option (indicated by the question mark)
  • For more information about cookies

For further information on the regulation of cookies visit the following site www.garanteprivacy.it.